
Showing posts with the label PEMF Therapy Contraindications

Possible Contraindications For PEMF Therapy

PEMF therapy is an instrumental physical therapy that uses pulsed electromagnetic fields to reduce pain and inflammation in bones, muscles, and joints. This therapy can be applied at low frequency and high intensity or at high frequency and low intensity. Below we will discuss the PEMF therapy contraindications that apply to both types of treatment. PEMF therapy using PEMF therapy devices which you can buy at Almagia is safe, painless, and non-invasive, and can be carried out in the comfort of your home. In addition to this, the contraindications universally adopted in the literature are limited in number. PEMF therapy is ideal for reducing pain and inflammation and for slowing down the progress of certain degenerative diseases. Doctors prescribe it mainly to treat osteoporosis, arthritis, inflammation, bone edema, and fractures. Contraindications of PEMF therapy: can it be dangerous? PEMF therapy is not dangerous. There are no known significant side effects associated with the thera...