Possible Contraindications For PEMF Therapy

PEMF therapy is an instrumental physical therapy that uses pulsed electromagnetic fields to reduce pain and inflammation in bones, muscles, and joints.

This therapy can be applied at low frequency and high intensity or at high frequency and low intensity. Below we will discuss the PEMF therapy contraindications that apply to both types of treatment.

PEMF therapy using PEMF therapy devices which you can buy at Almagia is safe, painless, and non-invasive, and can be carried out in the comfort of your home. In addition to this, the contraindications universally adopted in the literature are limited in number.

PEMF therapy is ideal for reducing pain and inflammation and for slowing down the progress of certain degenerative diseases. Doctors prescribe it mainly to treat osteoporosis, arthritis, inflammation, bone edema, and fractures.

Contraindications of PEMF therapy: can it be dangerous?

PEMF therapy is not dangerous. There are no known significant side effects associated with the therapy, nor are there any reports of problems associated with excessive exposure to the electromagnetic fields generated by these magnetic devices. In fact, it is possible to treat specific conditions such as osteoporosis, even for up to 8 hours a day.

However, certain precautions should be taken into account before proceeding with PEMF therapy.

These precautions are recommended for safe therapy because there is not enough scientific evidence to show the side effects and contraindications of PEMF therapy.  This is why we recommend you avoid applying this therapy if you have any of the conditions below:

  • Pregnancy: If you are pregnant, it is advised to consult your doctor to ensure that electromagnetic fields are not harmful to your baby’s health. This warning is given because to date there are no clinical studies carried out on pregnant patients that show contraindications of PEMF therapy during pregnancy. Thus, pulsed electromagnetic fields emitted by the solenoids within the therapy band could affect the development of the foetus when treating nearby areas such as the back and the hips.
  • Pacemaker wearers: If you are a pacemaker wearer, PEMF therapy could be hazardous because the electromagnetic fields could interfere with the proper functioning of your pacemaker. There are new pacemakers on the market that have no contraindications. Make sure your device falls into this category by consulting your doctor to avoid the unwanted effects of PEMF therapy.
  • Children: Pulsed electromagnetic fields stimulate the cell membrane by promoting certain biophysical processes. The various effects include bone calcification and increased blood circulation in the treated area. This is why PEMF therapy is contraindicated for children who have not yet completed their growth phase. If you are considering PEMF therapy for your child, it is recommended that you consult your doctor to find out if it is safe for him/her to have the therapy.
  • Wearers of magnetizable prostheses: In general, PEMF therapy is contraindicated for patients with magnetizable prostheses. If you have a prosthesis and do not know what material it is made of, it’s recommended that you contact your orthopaedist. This warning ensures that the therapy does not become harmful when electromagnetic fields are created, as they may cause unwanted effects by interacting with the prosthesis. In general, if you’ve undergone an MRI with a prosthesis other than the one mentioned above, you can safely undergo PEMF therapy. In any case, if you have a prosthesis, always consult your doctor for clarification on the type of material used.

Using your PEMF machine safely

Safety of PEMFs has not been established in pregnancy, although there is no evidence of harm. Most manufacturers warn against the use of their devices during pregnancy.

PEMF devices should be used with caution in Grave’s disease or in the case of active bleeding.

Extremely high-intensity PEMF devices should be used with caution or with professional guidance in people with implanted metals, such as joint replacements, dental implants, mechanical heart valves, metal stents, or metal staples in blood vessels. This is not due to the risk of injury or harm, but because extremely high-intensity PEMF therapy may stimulate the nerves in the area of the metal, causing sharp pain. High intensity may also add to the shear stress of metal clips placed in or near blood vessels.

It’s recommended to not use high-intensity PEMF therapy over breast implants. High-frequency beyond 100 Hz are probably also not desirable for treatment durations longer than an hour at a time, given the risk of agitating the plastic or silicone in breast implants, resulting in possible thinning and risk of leakage.


PEMF therapy is among the safest home therapies. If done consistently at least 2-4 hours a day for at least 45-90 days, depending on the condition, it brings many benefits and reduces pain and inflammation.

As with all therapies, there are warnings concerning the use, all of which can be found in the user manual of each individual device.

Always keep in mind that we are discussing instrumental physical therapy performed with certified medical devices (Buy at Almagia!) designed for home use. Therefore, it is advisable to consult with your doctor to determine the appropriateness of this therapy for your diagnosed condition or whether you fall into any contraindicated cases.


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